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Changing repository

✨ It is now possible to set a repository directly in the frontmatter with the repo key.


  • Your GitHub token must work for this repository
  • The function that uploads multiple notes won’t send files to this “per-file” repository. Only the command Upload single current active note will work, with the autoclean if activated. You can disable it using the frontmatter!
  • The key works in this order: username/repo/branch/autoclean, username/repo/brach, username/repo, and repo. You can also use a YAML object like this:
  owner: username
  repo: repo
  branch: branch
  autoclean: true or false

Globally, if you share only one file, all functions will be on the per-file repository instead of the global one.
Also, the settings will be the same as the global one, except for the repository settings such as image and folder.

✨ You can also set multiple repositories in the frontmatter with the multipleRepo key. It works like the repo key, but you can set multiple repositories in a list format.



  - owner: username
    repo: repo
    branch: branch
    autoclean: false

  - owner: username
    repo: repo
    branch: branch
    autoclean: false

In this behavior, the autoclean will be set to false by default.

If you had configured repository in Manage other repo you can use the shortRepo key with the smartkey. You can also set multiple configured repositories in a list format :

shortRepo: smartkey


  - smartkey
  - smartkey

The key default is reserved for the default repository. You can use it to send a file in your default repo and your other repo:

  - default
  - smartkey


shortRepo: smartkey
share: true

is equivalent to

otherShareKey: true

Frontmatter keys explanation


Yaml Object can be converted to literal string key using the <key1>.<subkey> format.
For example:

  send: false 

can be written as:
attachment.send: false

Some settings can be overridden based on your frontmatter key (of the file send):

  1. For links conversion, using the links key, you can create a YAML object with:
    - mdlinks: to force converting to markdown links.
    - convert or links: to remove the links and keep only the string (alt text or filename).
    - internals: Convert internal links to their counterpart in the website (in relative path). Disabled, links will be kept as is.
    - nonShared: Same as above, but for links pointing to unshared files. Disabled, links will be transformed to keep the filename. Note that you can use links: false and mdlinks: true outside the YAML object if you want to just use one option.
  2. Embed settings, using the embed key :
    - send: false to avoid sending the embedded files (not attachments!)
    - remove : Modify the aspect of the embeded files link. Can take the followed value:
    • false or keep : Leave as in Obsidian (default)
    • true or remove : Remove the embeded link (replace to empty string the ![[]] or ![]() syntax)
    • links : Convert to markdown links (remove the ! before the link).
    • bake : Include the contents of the embed. Support block, heading, and entire file. Based on the plugin easy-bake. File are included as is, without markdown or html specificities.
    • char : Add a character(s) before the embedded links. Used only if you set the remove key to links.
  3. attachment : allow per-file settings for attachments (images, pdfs, sound, video… Any attachment supported by Obsidian)
    - send: false to avoid sending the files
    - folder to change the default folder. Beware that changing this setting can have strange effects with autocleaning! You can, again, use a one-key setting using attachmentLinks for the folder and attachment: false to avoid sending.
  4. dataview to override dataview settings.
  5. hardbreak for markdown hard break.
  6. includeLinks Allow sending file linked by simple links, like [[markdown]] or [alias](markdown).
  7. baselink : to change the base link for the copy links function. Note, using this key will disable the remove part settings. You need to use the object copylink to edit the remove part, as follow:
    - base: to change the base link
    - remove : To remove some part specific to this file.
  8. path : override all path settings and create a path from the root. Use / or let it empty to set it to the root of the repository.

All of theses keys can be prepend by a smartkey (ie smartkey.<key>) to allow per-file-per-repository configuration.

Overriding PATH settings and behavior

  • path : Same as before : override all path settings and create a path from the root. Will skip all other options.
  • category : Take the category key from your settings (you can set the category key and also change it). Only work if the behavior (or the default behavior) is set to YAML.
  • category.key : Change the category name (for example: category.key: test will use the property test).
  • category.value : Alias of defaultName key.
  • rootFolder : Same as the root folder settings in File paths settings ;
  • defaultName : Default folder name for file reception, same as global setting. Only works for yaml behavior.
  • behavior : Change the behavior between yaml, fixed, and obsidian.

Quick references

Using yaml object

  mdlinks: boolean #convert to markdownlinks
  convert: boolean #transform to simple string with keeping alt text or file name/ title (it removes the [[]] or []())
  send: boolean #prevent sending embed
  remove: string # or boolean. Can take "false" or "keep", "true" or "remove", "links"
  char: string #add a character before the link
  send: boolean #prevent sending attachment
  folder: string #change default folder for attachment - same as attachmentLinks
dataview: boolean #force/prevent dataview queries conversion
hardbreak: boolean #same but for hardbreak
includeLinks: boolean #send files linked by simple links, like [[markdown]] or [alias](markdown) 
  branch: string #change default branch
  repo: string #change default repository
  owner: string #change default owner (it's your github Username)
  autoclean: boolean #disable auto cleaning
baselink: string #change base link for copylink settings

For multiple Repo :

  mdlinks: boolean #convert to markdownlinks
  convert: boolean #transform to simple string with keeping alt text or file name/ title (it removes the [[]] or []())
  send: boolean #prevent sending embed
  remove: string # or boolean. Can take "false" or "keep", "true" or "remove", "links"
  char: string #add a character before the link
  send: boolean #prevent sending attachment
  folder: string #change default folder for attachment
dataview: boolean #force/prevent dataview queries conversion
hardbreak: boolean #same but for hardbreak
includeLinks: boolean #send files linked by simple links, like [[markdown]] or [alias](markdown)
baselink: string #change base link for copylink settings
  - repo:
      branch: string #change default branch
      repo: string #change default repository
      owner: string #change default owner (it's your github Username)
      autoclean: boolean #enable auto cleaning
  - repo:
      branch: string #change default branch
      repo: string #change default repository
      owner: string #change default owner (it's your github Username)
      autoclean: boolean #enable auto cleaning

Using simple name

mdlinks: boolean #convert to markdown links
links: boolean #remove [[]] or []() and keep just alt text or filename/title
removeEmbed: string # or boolean. Can take "false" or "keep", "true" or "remove", "links"
attachmentLinks: string #ovverride default folder for attachments
attachment: boolean #prevent sending attachment
dataview: boolean
hardbreak: boolean
includeLinks: boolean 
repo: string #owner/repo/branch/clean or owner/repo/branch or owner/repo or repo
autoclean: boolean #disable auto cleaning (use it only if you don't set in the repo!)
baselink: string #change base link for copylink settings

For multiple Repo :

mdlinks: boolean #convert to markdown links
links: boolean #remove [[]] or []() and keep just alt text or filename/title
removeEmbed: string # or boolean. Can take "false" or "keep", "true" or "remove", "links"
attachmentLinks: string #ovverride default folder for attachments
attachment: boolean #prevent sending attachment
dataview: boolean
hardbreak: boolean
includeLinks: boolean
baselink: string #change base link for copylink settings
multipleRepo: list of string
  - owner/repo/branch/autoclean or owner/repo or repo
  - owner/repo/branch/autoclean or owner/repo or repo

Default value is derivative from your settings : (settings.keys refer to your settings)

  mdlinks: settings.wikilinks
  convert: true
  send: settings.embed
  remove: settings.convert_embed
  char: settings.char
  send: settings.attachment
  folder: settings.default_folder_image || settings.default_folder || filepath
dataview: settings.dataview
hardbreak: settings.hardbreak
includeLinks: settings.includeLinks
repo: #same for multipleRepo
  branch: settings.branch
  repo: settings.repo
  owner: settings.owner
autoclean: settings.auto_clean
baselink: string #change base link for copylink settings

Last update : 6 janvier 2025
Created : 6 janvier 2025